
Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair. During laser hair removal, the laser is used to heat up the follicle and destroy it, resulting in permanent hair reduction. Lasers can be used on all areas of the body.

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light (laser) to remove unwanted hair. During laser hair removal, the laser is used to heat up the follicle and destroy it, resulting in permanent hair reduction.

The treatment works by targeting melanin-containing structures within each follicle, which creates an adverse reaction when they are exposed to high temperatures from an intense beam of light. The body's natural response to this treatment involves producing new hairs over time – hence why some people can still see dark patches of skin after their treatment has been completed!

Lasers can be used on all areas of the body. Conditions that lasers are FDA-approved for include:

Laser hair reduction is a procedure that destroys hair follicles. This can be done on any part of your body, including face, neck and chest. The FDA has approved laser hair removal for many types of skin conditions such as:

  • Body hair removal (bikini or facial)
  • Eyebrows
  • Face scars and skin resurfacing
  • Body or face rejuvenation (fractional) photothermolysis system

Body Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses lasers to remove unwanted hair. It's FDA-approved as an effective way to reduce the growth of unwanted hair and also reduce the appearance of existing body hair, especially on your face.

There are two types of laser light used in this treatment: pulsed dye and continuous wave (cw). The cw laser heats up cells in your skin so they expand, damaging them while they cool down again after being heated up again. This process creates microscopic holes in the skin that cause bleeding but not pain; these holes then close over time as new collagen forms around them.


Eyebrows are the hair on the upper lip. Many people have them, but they can be removed with lasers or chemical peels. Eyebrow removal is a common problem, and this article will show you how to get rid of yours safely and effectively.

If you're new to laser hair reduction, here are some things to keep in mind:

Laser hair reduction is painless! The treatment lasts between one week and two months depending on what area of your face it's being performed on (eyebrows take longer than facial skin). The frequency at which treatments need to be given will depend on each person's needs; some people only need them once every few months while others may require more frequent treatments over time if their brows grow back thickly after having been treated once before.


We have shown you how laser hair removal can be a useful treatment, but it's also important to take into consideration all the costs involved. Laser hair removal is not always covered by insurance and there are many different types of treatments available.

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+91-8933005151, 0522-3161467, +91-8299418746


Monday - Friday: 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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+91-8933005151 0522-3161467