
Have you ever wanted to rid yourself of the signs of aging? It's not as difficult as it might seem. Exfoliation is a simple, painless procedure that can be performed at home using specific products or by visiting your doctor. Chemical peels are chemical peels with a higher concentration of acid than those used in other types of exfoliants, so they do more damage to your skin than other types do. Still, they are an effective way to improve the appearance of sun damage and acne scars and fade age spots and wrinkles if used properly by an experienced doctor under close supervision.

The chemical peel is a procedure where the top layers of your skin are removed, making it easier for new skin to form and for existing skin to heal.

The chemical agent used in this process is often a mix of hydroquinone, salicylic acid and resorcinol.

The benefits of this treatment include:

  • Improved appearance of sun damage or acne scars
  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

Chemical peels are painless, and the effects usually last anywhere from 1-4 months.

Your doctor will evaluate your skin before giving you a chemical peel treatment and determine which one is best for you.

Your doctor will evaluate your skin before giving you a chemical peel treatment and determine which one is best for you.

Your doctor may recommend several treatments in order to achieve the best results. For example, if your skin is very thick and difficult to reach, they may have to use multiple solutions on different areas of your face at once. This can be time-consuming and expensive, but it's an option if necessary for you.

A chemical peel can be used to improve the appearance of sun damage or acne scars, but it also can be used to fade age spots and wrinkles.

A chemical peel can be used to improve the appearance of sun damage or acne scars, but it also can be used to fade age spots and wrinkles.

In addition to improving skin tone, a chemical peel may help restore firmness and elasticity by removing dead cells from your skin. This process is called "desquamation". As you age, these dead cells build up on the surface of your face which contribute to fine lines and wrinkles. A chemical peel removes this layer of hardened skin that has built up over time--and in turn makes you look younger!

During this process, you'll likely have some bleeding from minor cuts or scrapes in your skin--this is normal and will happen regardless of whether or not you've had this type of treatment before.

You may feel some burning or stinging when your doctor applies the solution, but it should wear off within an hour or two.

When your doctor applies the solution, you may feel some burning or stinging. It should wear off within an hour or two.

The best way to keep your skin clean is to wash it with soap and water, then pat dry with a clean towel before you apply any kind of cream or lotion on top of the chemical peel. You should not apply pressure onto the area, as this could cause more damage than good.


Chemical peels can be an excellent way to improve the appearance of your skin and to fade age spots, sun damage and acne scars. If you are interested in a chemical peel treatment, talk with your doctor about what type of procedure will be right for you.

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Monday - Friday: 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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+91-8933005151 0522-3161467